Scheda materiale | |
Tipo materiale | Libro |
Titolo | You just don't understand |
Autore | Deborah Tannen |
Edizione | Ballantine Books, New York |
Descrizione | Tha book is about how men and women grow up behaving in such profoundly different ways, and seeing themselves connecting to others in such profoundly different ways, that the two sexes are really trying to comunicate across two different cultures. Judy Mann (The Washington Post) |
Argomento | Pensiero della differenza |
Anno | 1990 | Collocazione | PenD42 assente |
Biblioteca | Circolo della Rosa - Via S.Felicita, 13 - 37121 Verona Tel: 045 8010275 |
Nuova ricerca | Scheda n° 942 |